Advanced College Program
What is the Advanced College Program?
This program is an advanced dual credit academic option provided to Estacada High School juniors and seniors that wish to earn an Associates of Arts degree AND their high school diploma at the same time. Juniors entering this program should graduate with both their degree and diploma. Incoming seniors will have the opportunity to complete at least 45 college credits and their high school diploma.
What are the eligibility requirements?
Students must be enrolled in Estacada High School and entering their junior or senior year. Eligible students will have demonstrated high levels of responsibility and academic accomplishment evidenced by credits earned, GPA , and regular school attendance.
Incoming juniors: 3.0 GPA, 90% regular attendance, at least 11 credits earned by the end of 1st semester of sophomore year.
Incoming seniors: 3.0 GPA, 90% regular attendance, at least 17 credits earned by the end of the 1st semester of junior year.
Students that may not meet the above requirements are still encouraged to apply. The EHS team will evaluate all applications and may request additional information or an applicant interview.
How does the program work?
If accepted, students will remain enrolled in EHS, however they will take all classes through Clackamas Community College. Students may take elective classes at Estacada High School with approval from the advisory team. As students complete CCC courses, high school credit is also granted. Students are therefore earning college credit and high school credit at the same time by taking college classes. Juniors must commit to both years of this program regardless of Diploma completion.
Who pays for the college classes?
If accepted into the program, students’ full tuition costs and up to $300 in book costs will be paid by Estacada High School. If a student fails a class, the student will be responsible for the cost associated with re-taking the course at CCC.
Where am I an enrolled student?
Students are enrolled in both Estacada High School and Clackamas Community College. As an enrolled student at Estacada High School, students can play sports, belong to clubs, attend school dances, and be involved in co-curricular options, such as student council, band, choir, and theatre.
How do I enroll in CCC classes?
After students are accepted into the Advanced College Program, they will meet with an EHS Counselor and a representative from CCC and begin the process of registering for classes. Throughout the program, EHS and CCC counselors and advisors will be available to support students and families.
How do I travel to Clackamas Community College?
Students generally use their own transportation to attend actual classes on campus at CCC. Students may also complete online classes through CCC, but students would be limited to the selection of online classes CCC offers. An a.m. and p.m. shuttle will also be available for students. Additional information about the shuttle will be forthcoming and subject to demand.
How can students earn an Associate’s Degree and an EHS Diploma at the same time?
Incoming juniors will be able to earn an Associates Degree as well as a EHS Diploma by selecting one of two paths. Seniors will automatically be placed on Path One. The actual classes selected will be based on current academic progress toward graduation and collaboration with student, student’s family, and EHS & CCC advisors/counselors.
Typical juniors will need the following credits to earn an EHS Diploma: 2 English Language Arts, 1 Math, 1 Science, 2 Social Studies, and approximately 2-3 credits in Applied Fine Arts/Electives.
How are grades reported?
The grades a student earns from CCC are reported both on the EHS and CCC transcripts. As such, it is important to remember that all courses are reported on transcripts. If a student were to fail a CCC class, it would be included on both permanent records at both schools. Typically 3 CCC credits is equivalent to 1 high school credit.
Who is responsible for CCC course selection and overall planning?
The overall planning and course selection will be a collaborative effort between the student, family, EHS and CCC advisors and counselors. For students involved in co-curricular/extracurricular activities at EHS, they will be responsible for ensuring their CCC classes support the co-curricular/extracurricular schedules.
How does a student apply for the Estacada Advanced College Program?
Students apply by completing an application that is found on the pages following this one. The application deadline is May 3rdth. Students will then be informed if they are accepted to the program or not. Once accepted, students will begin meeting with an adviser from Clackamas Community College in mid-May to begin registering for CCC classes in the fall.
If I have an online CCC class, where do I work on this class?
Generally speaking, a student would work on the online class at home. This is also true of the homework from an in-person class, which would also be completed at home. Depending on enrollment and allocation of classrooms, there may be a quiet location on the EHS campus for students to work on CCC coursework. This would need to be arranged with EHS counselors and administration.
If I have additional questions about the Estacada Advanced College Program, who should I contact?
The counselors at Estacada High School can help answer your questions. Here is their contact information:
Lauren Holst (Student Last Names A-L)
Steven Christiansen (Student Last Names M-Z)